Reasons Why A Live Answering Service Can Be A Great Back-Up Option For Your Security Monitoring Business

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About Me

Understanding Alarm Systems When we moved to a riskier side of town, I could tell that we needed to do something to bolster our home security. We started focusing on going through and identifying security risks, and before we knew it, we were able to resolve some of our biggest challenges. For example, we realized that our entryway was completely hidden from the street, so we removed one of the big shrubs in the front to prevent security problems. This blog is all about identifying security issues and making the best use of your time and resources. After all, you never know when you will need to keep things safe.



As a security monitoring business, your customers expect you to monitor their security systems around the clock. While you likely have employees working around the clock to do this, there may be times where you may need additional help. Here are three times when your business may need additional help and why hiring a live answering service is a great backup option for your business:

Your Employees Are Busy

Some nights are simply crazier than other nights. Unfortunately, you have no way of knowing what nights customers will need more help than normal and your call volume increases. If you knew, you might be able to ask more employees to work that night. But since you have no way of knowing, your phone lines may get backed up and your employees cannot field all of the incoming calls as quickly as you or your customers would like. If all of the lines are busy, a live answering service can kick in and take over the incoming calls, helping to ensure calls get answered quickly. 

The Flu is Going Through Your Office

If the flu or other illness is going through your office, more employees may call in sick than usual. This can leave your business is a tough spot. Your security monitoring business needs to answer calls, but you may not have the staff to do so. A live answering service is a great backup option, as they can field calls for you at the last minute, helping to ensure you do not let your customers down. 

Employees Are on Vacation

The last reason why a live answering service is beneficial to your business is that this allows your business to fully function, even if employees are on vacation. If you are short-staffed, you other employees may feel the slack and the call queue may increase. A live answering service can pick up the slack, helping to ensure customers do not wait long to report issues to your security monitoring business. 

Many people think that live answering services are hired to field all of the phone calls to a business after hours. As such, if they are a 24-hour business, they may not think that they will need these services. But this is not true. A live answering service can also help you if your phone lines are busy, you are understaffed or you need more help and cannot afford to hire more employees. As a security monitoring service, it is important that customer calls be answered promptly. A live answering service can help supplement your needs when employees alone cannot handle the incoming call volume. 

Contact a company like Security Services Northwest, Inc for more information and assistance. 

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